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QWL-survey with work disability, sick absence, burnout and turnover risk detection
Real-time reports(audience-specific complex or simplified reports shareable for users even without any VibeCatch account)
Crowdsourcing and voting of development action ideas
Anonymous conversations between employees and HR(both open public forum and one-to-one confidential available)
Email integration
Slack, Yammer, Microsoft Teams, Ryver & Flowdock support
SMS messaging(sending priced separately)
Gmail & LDAP support
SSO (SAML 2.0) support for both polls and reports(automatic provisioning of user data, reminders for inactive poll recipients, limited report visibility according to user's position in organization etc)
Connect with more than 1500 apps (via Zapier)
Integration to any HTTP(S) API
Excel data export
Easy-to-use JSON API
Online support
Multi-level admin user management
Polls, reports and emails in your colors with your logo
All features ofstandardand:
Custom polls
Categorized responses(compare by department, country etc)
Dedicated Customer Support Manager
All features of premiumand:
Customizable QWL-survey(QWL-survey with custom questions retaining scientific validity)
360° surveys
Action Planning
Integration to HRIS
Premium support
Quarterly review meetings

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